Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A load of dishes or a postaga stamp? Which is cheaper??

I just read a "Dishwasher Tips" article put out by the good people from Cascade. I was interested in their statement that said there is no need to over load a dishwasher because even running the dishwasher for small loads is still more energy efficient than doing dishes by hand in the sink. According to Cascade, it takes between 6 and 10 gallons of water to run your disdhwasher compared to 9 to 24 gallons if washing dishes by hand. It also stated that on average, you can wash a load of dishes in your dishwasher for less than the cost of a postabge stamp. At the rate the cost of postage is going up, I wonder how long this will be true!! In case you haven't heard, stamps are going up (again) in May. Don't forget to stock up on "Forever" stamps before then.

1 comment:

Oliver dela Torre said...

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