Monday, February 18, 2008

What's In YOUR Sock Drawer?

ATM fees can add up! Why not make your sock drawer or any hidden space your own personal ATM? Instead of paying ATM fees weekly, figure out your monthly expenses and put that much cash in a drawer the first of every month. As you need cash, take out what you need at the time. If you keep only $20.00 or $30.00 in your wallet/purse, you’ll be much less likely to spend a dollar here and a dollar there. By keeping a small amount in your pocket, you will be more careful with your money and less likely to spend as much.

1 comment:

Tasha said...

Hi, I really liked this blog a lot...and I've already been using this idea since I've been a kid. Another thing I used to do is keep a piggy bank on the dining table and compel other family members to put in the change they could spare daily!