Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Hairy Situation!

Ladies, don’t spend money on those cans of leg shaving foams and creams, instead use hair shampoo or conditioner. Foams and creams are expensive. A bottle of shampoo can be picked up for less than a dollar at Wal-Mart and will last a whole lot longer.

Lathering up from bar soap will work too. However, shampoos and conditioners will not dry out your skin like bar soap.


Kalusoru said...

nice blog

Jules said...

I have been using conditioner as shaving cream for years! I often times try a new product and don't like it. So I use it for something else. I figured if conditioner is good for the hair it's good for the skin. I also use old bottles of shampoo and conditioner for bathing the dogs. They need a beauty day too!!