Monday, April 14, 2008

How to “Meet” Your Grocery Budget

Food prices have increased 4% from 2006 to 2007 according to the Economic Research Service and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. (It seems like more than 4% to me!) The USDA projects an even bigger increase for 2008, UGH!

If your family likes to have meat at meals, you are probably thinking about making some adjustments to your normal eating habits to be able to afford meat, eggs, and dairy. Not to mention juice, fruit, and cereal!

Consider serving meat as a side dish instead of the main dish. Use your crock pot to cook a roast, shred it, add bar-b-q sauce and make sandwiches. Instead of hamburgers, make sloppy joes. Use meat in stir fry over rice, bake casseroles, and soups, top salads with grilled chicken.

As with all your grocery shopping, watch for sales and plan meals around the sales and store specials. Our local store has a section in the meat cooler that is discounted because it is a day old. This meat is perfectly fine for your evening meal or to put in the crock pot.

Approach a local farmer about purchasing a whole beef from him. You will have to pay for processing and packaging, but the cost per pound is usually cheaper than at the grocers. You will also need to make sure you have room in your freezer for this amount of meat.

My family was not particularly impressed with I asked them to consider having a “Veggie” night!


Dulce said...

Thank you for commenting on my blog, I am enjoying reading yours just as well. I know what you mean about groceries they are killing us. This summer we are going to raise chickens for food for the family, We will probably freeze a lot of it. I am also going to have a garden that I can have veggies that I can freeze to make stir fries. I am very glad you stopped by Etsy, this site has been around since 2005 or 2006. I been selling my craft there for almost a year. I love to make sock monkeys. They sell really good. I get a lot of returning customers so I really like that. Again thank you.Dulce

Anonymous said...

I am amazed every time I go to the store and see my bill! I have 5 sons and it's seems like my bill is higher now even though 2 have grown and moved out!

Thanks for the great ideas!