Tuesday, May 6, 2008

When is Cheap Too Cheap?

I asked some of my friends “what are some of the wackiest things you have ever done to save money”. Here are a few of the more “interesting” ideas:

When you go to a fast food restaurant, always take a hand full of ketchup, salt, pepper, mayo, napkins, etc. This person said she never buys these items!

Never buy toilet paper, use news paper or magazines like they did years ago. (eeegads!!)

Eat dog food.

Marry a man who is handy and can do repairs around the house!

Never buy sandwich bags, instead use the plastic your newspapers come in, use bags from frozen veggies, or bags that cereal is packaged in.

Go around on garbage day and pick things out of the trash to sell on Craigslist.

Here is my favorite: For wedding flowers one lady said she went to a cemetery the night before her wedding and picked up the fresh flowers.

I may be cheap, and I may be frugal, but I’m not sure all of these money saving tips are for me!! Hope you found them as interesting as I did!!


Micawatson said...

bloghopping here, tc..by the way this is true, lol.

Anji said...

I wish someone had told me about marrying a man who is handy around the house! He does the accounts pretty well though.....