Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Make My Day!

Would it make your day if you found a stash of cash hidden in a long forgotten hiding place? One out of every 10 people has approximately $1000, somewhere, in a “forgotten” account.

It’s estimated that there is $32 billion sitting in lost or forgotten accounts. These “accounts” could be from unclaimed life insurance proceeds, utility deposits, savings accounts long forgotten, stock dividends, lost tax refunds, and pay checks that were never picked up.

By law, banks, insurance companies, utilities, and many other business are required to surrender inactive accounts to the government for safe keeping. If you can prove that you are you and the person entitled to the money, the government will be happy to hand the money over to you, without any charges or fees.

To find out if a windfall could be yours, go to www.unclaimed.org or www.missingmoney.com and take a look in your state. Check every state that you have ever lived in and enter all the names you might have gone by, such as your married or maiden name. If you don’t see your name, but think that you do have money coming to you, call the state’s treasury department and ask them to check for you.

Beware: There are companies that will gladly charge you a fee to look for this money. It’s so simple to do on your own that you won’t need to hire anyone.


Anonymous said...

These are truly great advices you give, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, especially in these times of need when we all could use some extra cash that might be hidden somewhere waiting for us to claim it.

Petula said...

I've never heard of missingmoney.com but I went to unclaimed.org a few years ago and received money back from a utility bill balance when I lived in upstate NY. I moved to GA in 1995 so it was cool to get that... I wonder if I check again if there's something out there. Hmmm?? Couldn't hurt, huh?

Hen K said...

Wow, it's been 9 days since your last post.

Scott said...

This was a lot of fun. I checked friends and family and found around $100-$300 for several people. It will be fun to call them up and let them know they have money waiting for them. People can really use this now.

Great post!