Thursday, March 8, 2007

Are You spending More Than You Make?

According to a recent survey, most people are spending 10% more than they make! The average person may know what their check will be each payday, but they have no idea how much money they spend in a pay period. Based on the average American income we spend $431 per month more than we make. No wonder the average credit card debt in $8,500.

When setting up a budget, I'm sure we all remember to list the big expenditures like the car payment, house payment/rent, food and utilities. What we sometimes tend to over look are what I call the "Budget Suckers".

Here are a few Budget Suckers that may not be included in your monthly budget:
Your car's oil changes, tire rotations, new windshield wipers, new batteries, the cost to renew your drivers license, tolls, inspections, parking meters, newspapers and magazine subscriptions, the morning coffee or juice from the juice/coffee bar, chipping in for the co-workers gift, the garbage bill, haircuts, tips, vet bills, and when company arrives, increased food, and utility bills. Most of us remember to budget for birthday gifts, and holiday gifts, but what about cards, wrapping paper, bows and tags? Have you over extended yourself??

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