Monday, March 5, 2007

Cash in on "Stuff"

Are you "over stuffed?" Make extra money selling your "stull" to the "under stuffed!" Clean out your cupboards, your closets, your garage and clean out your basement. Anything and everything has been known to sell on eBay. Get rid of your clutter, junk, and clothes you haven't worn in a while and make some extra cash by selling it on line or have a garage sale. If it is your first time selling on eBay, get a friend, or neighbor with eBay experience to help you list your items. It is a fairly simple process to list things, but it would be nice if someone could help you get started. Most kids over 12 know the ins and outs of eBay. Beware that eBay charges a fee for listing your item and then will take a percentage of your selling price. Don't forget to calculate a shipping price, buyers usually pay for shipping and want to before buying what the charge will be. You will need a PayPal account to sell on eBay. PayPal will also take a cut of your profits. If you live in a metropolitan area, try listing your "stuff" on Craig's List does not charge anything for listing an item, but it only sells locally. I personally have had great luck selling on Craigslist and would recommend it.

Now that you have cleaned out your nooks and cranny's and have taken in come cash, DO NOT BLOW THE MONEY!! It is sooooooo tempting to tell yourself that you deserve a treat, or something special because you worked hard to earn the extra cash, but you need to stand strong in your effort to get out of debt. TAKE THIS MONEY AND PAY IT ON A CREDIT BILL, or make an extra car payment or ad extra to your house payment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,PLEASE DON'T JUST BLOW IT!!


Matthew said...

thanks for the nice review at link referral

interesting site, especially with the home made baby wipes

pa said...

go to the above link and give generously ...only $20.00

for a cancer patient to afford treatment