Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Thrifty Tips

Tub Tips:
If you think your tube of toothpaste is empty, cut the tube in half and you will find enough past to last 5 or 6 more brushings.

Use baking soda as a toothpaste, it is just as good as store bought paste.

To remove stains from your teeth, occasionally brush with lemon juice.

Make your own mouthwash using a few drops of essence of peppermint and a pint of water. This costs a fraction of commercial mouthwashes.

Bath Sachets:
2 Cups ground up soap slivers
4 Cups fine rolled oats
1 Cup powered borax
2 t. sachet power

Mix all ingredients together and spoon into small squares of material, gather edges together and tie with a ribbon. This makes a cute, inexpensive gift. I you want a quick fix, spoon ingredients into an old sock, tie and toss in the bath.

Don't want to make bath sachets? Don't waste your soap slivers. Take a fresh bar of soap, prick holes in one side of the fresh bar and one side of the sliver. Wet both and press the soap tightly together for a minute and leave overnight. When using the "new" bar, use the side with the sliver first.

Make liquid soap with your soap slivers. Put the slivers into the blender with a little water. Blend on low until you are happy with the consistency, pour the liquid soap into a dispenser.


Aunt Julia said...

I didn't know we can do that, thanks for the tips.

Your blog is really worth reading and following some of the tips not only save us the dollars but is also environmental friendly as we cut down on wastages.

Aunt Julia

Gopala said...

Hi Jann, I thought you might want to submit your tips to they pay $3 for every tip published.
