Monday, March 26, 2007

Why Do Middle-Class Americans Struggle

The Commerce Department recently reported that the national personal savings rate for 2006 slumped to the lowest level since the Great Depression. On Average, Americans not only spend all the money they make after taxes, but also are digging into their savings or putting more debt on their credit cards.

Many middle-class Americans struggle because of corporate greed, downsizing, outsourcing and out of control health care costs. While these are all legitimate problems and concerns, could it also be that we are not willing to give up our wasteful ways and current lifestyles?

Remember last January, before the Super Bowl? 2.5 million Americans went out and bought themselves a high-definition television set just for the game!! Add to that expense, and average of $49.00 per person was spent on related merchandise, food and beverages.

If you are an average, middle-class, hard working two family income household, do you think these are expenses that you could afford? Were you able to make ends meet after these expenditures?

1 comment:

James Holmes said...

Come check out Middle Dweller at I am the guy that does all this foolish stuff that you listed on your blog. Yeah, I do have a huge tv for the game..